SURPRISES on January 24th!

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Kuka tahansa kävijä voi ostaa luotettavia reseptilääkkeitä, jotka pitävät insuliinin oikeilla linjoilla lähialueapteekissa New York no rx lueteltu tässä varauksetta … Et halua reseptiä kapseleiden hankkimiseksi. Se näyttää halvimmilta lääkkeiltä eikä mitään reseptiä tarvita oston tekemistä varten. Sourellus Kohokohtia Maitohappoasidoosi on Harvinainen mutta vakava aineenvaihdunnan häiriö, joka voi tapahtua, kun kasautuminen metformiinihydrokloridia Maitohappoasidoosi potilaiden, kuten
I’m so excited about my next storytelling show!

Look at this sexy line up! Be there! Queer Stories are important!


730pm on 1/24/15 at BGSQD at


208 W. 13th St, #210, NYC

Becca Blackwell

Harvey Katz

Katia Perea

Elana Lancaster

hosted by me, Drae Campbell

TELL 9 final

TELL 8-Holidays Schmollidays! on Dec. 11th at BGSQD!

TELL, The monthly queer storytelling show at BGSQD at The LGBTQ Center in Manhattan is back with an epic line up of amazing storytellers!It’s all happening at BGSQD at the LGBTQ Center in Manhattan on Thursday, Dec. 11th. at 7pm.

208 West 13th Street, Room 210, New York, NY, 10011, United States


Robin Cloud, Bevin Branlandingham, Topher Gross and Kelli Dunham!


I won the grand prize in a storytelling festival!

Jeder verlangt, preiswerte Schizophrenie-Tabletten in der Drogerie hier telefonisch zu kaufen. natürlich … und kostenlosen Versand. Beste Preise für nächste Bestellungen. Seroquel Haben mich Berührt Wie eine schaltfläche den Kopf: Ich Trank, und sofort brach zu schlafen, als ob geschlagen Ich Wächte alle gebrochen, mit Nebel in meinem Kopf Ich vergesse alles, was ich geplant zu tun Vor einer Minute.
The 1st Annual San Miguel De Allende Storytelling Festival in Mexico!








Queers of life!

-The next TELL is at BGSQD on September 17th at 7pm and features Shomi Noise among others! TELL is a free monthly queer storytelling event. Get involved!

-The next PRIME QUEER party is on October 4th, 2014 at JACK

Featuring DJ Robi D Light!

-I’m going to San Miguel De Allende to participate in an international storytelling event in October!

-Here’s my acting reel for your gay recruitment needs! (WINK WINK, Confetti toss)
